A Basic Guide: What Is a Grease Trap?

As an Indianapolis commercial kitchen owner, chances are you know a thing or two about your kitchen’s grease trap. But have you ever wondered exactly how they work? After all, it is an important part of keeping your operations running smoothly for your customers. The plumbers at Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Corp. are here to help. Here are a few basic facts about how grease traps work in your kitchen.

Grease Trap Cleaning 101: What Is Hydro Jetting?

As an Indianapolis commercial kitchen owner, you understand the relentless struggle of dealing with clogged drains and grease traps. If you’re seeking an effective solution to stubborn blockages, you may need to hire a professional to use a hydro jet on your drains. At Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Corp., we are the trusted hydro jetting pros. So, let’s explore hydro jetting and how it could be the secret weapon against stubborn clogs in your commercial kitchen.

3 Essential Drain Care Tips for Your Commercial Kitchen

When it comes to running a smooth operation in your bustling commercial kitchen in Indianapolis, proper drain care is often the unsung hero. Neglecting your drains can lead to frustrating clogs, slowdowns, and potential disruptions to your business. At Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Corp., we’ve found that whether you’re whipping up culinary delights or managing a fast-paced kitchen environment, mastering drain care can save you from unwanted plumbing mishaps. Here are three drain care tips that will help you maintain the flow and functionality of your kitchen.

3 Reasons to Unclog Commercial Drains with a Hydro Jet

If you work in or own a commercial kitchen, you know that it’s important that everything is in working order on a daily basis. A bit of prevention can go a long way, especially when it comes to clogged drains. With over 30 years of experience, the pros at Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Corp. can help by harnessing the power of water. Here are three reasons to use hydro jetting to unclog your commercial drains.

4 Reasons to Choose Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Corp.

If you run a commercial kitchen, you need experts at your fingertips who promptly respond to your needs. Whether you run a kitchen in a restaurant, school, or other commercial institution, you need someone who knows how to resolve issues quickly, keeping your kitchen running smoothly. Luckily for you, the experts at Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Corp. specialize in commercial kitchens, and today, we are sharing our top four reasons to choose us for your commercial kitchen needs.

Tips to Prevent Clogged Drains and Sewer Lines in Commercial Kitchens

Proper disposal of fats, oils, and grease (FOG) is imperative to preventing drain and sewer clogs. Fortunately, at Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Corp., we know how to keep your grease trap clean and in compliance with state law. Avoid the hassle of a major sewer backup by investing in routine grease trap and drain cleaning services. You’ll save yourself time, money, and a big headache down the road.

Plan for Clean Drains in 2020: Schedule Routine Maintenance Today

This time of year brings both a sense of nostalgia and a sense of hope. As you make your New Year’s resolutions, make sure to include routine grease trap and drain cleaning services to your plans. At Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Corp., we have seen the difference that routine maintenance has made for our customers throughout Indiana. This year, invest in peace of mind and free-flowing drains; you won’t regret it.