Hydro Jetting Services

Avoid Headaches by Using a Hydro Jet
Once a grease trap becomes clogged, it is imperative to address the problem immediately. A clogged grease trap will never clear itself on its own, and in fact, will only get worse until the entire system is affected.
What happens next is a major headache for your business. Clogged grease traps can cause backups in floor drains, pot sinks, and everywhere else in your restaurant or school kitchen. Bacteria then builds up, causing foul smells. And as the situation continues to worsen, you’ll find yourself dealing with a major health hazard (and violations) and even a situation the health department could deem a fire hazard. Stay on the good side of inspectors by taking advantage of our water jet plumbing services.
Keep in mind that an experienced technician is needed when hydro jetting so as not to cause any damage, and at Commercial Grease Corp. our experience and customer service is what we’re known for.