A Basic Guide to Commercial Kitchen Garbage Disposal Care 

If you operate a commercial kitchen in Indianapolis, understanding the ins and outs of your garbage disposal is a basic necessity for a functioning kitchen. At Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Corp., we offer expert commercial plumbing services to Indianapolis area commercial kitchens. We’re also here to offer advice on how to extend the lifespan and efficiency of your disposal unit. So, here’s a trusty guide to the ins and outs of garbage disposal care.

Sticky Situations: What Happens When a Grease Trap Is Neglected

As an Indianapolis commercial kitchen owner, it’s essential that your kitchen runs smoothly. After all, it’s your livelihood. At Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Corp., we understand the significance of maintaining a clean and efficient kitchen. That’s why we educate people on the importance of regular grease trap cleaning. It might not be the most glamorous part of running a restaurant, but neglecting it can lead to heavy consequences. Let’s look at what can happen when you overlook maintaining your grease trap.

Grease Trap Cleaning Service: Protect Your Kitchen’s Investment

You’ve spent the time, energy, and money to ensure your Indianapolis commercial kitchen is a success, so there’s no way you want to leave its functioning to chance. At Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Corp., we’ve found that if you want to safeguard the value of your kitchen and business, preventative maintenance in the form of grease trap cleaning service is the key. Let’s dive into the importance of proactive grease trap maintenance and why you should trust professionals to help keep your kitchen running smoothly.

3 Signs Your Commercial Kitchen Needs Drain Cleaning

Running your Indianapolis commercial kitchen requires smooth operations and impeccable cleanliness. However, even with the utmost care, your drains can gradually accumulate grease, food debris, and other gunk that can cause major issues. Ignoring these signs can lead to clogged drains and potential disruptions to your daily activities. Our Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Corp. team can help rescue you from drain disasters. Here are three telltale signs that your commercial kitchen needs a professional drain cleaning.

4 Items to Keep Out of Your Garbage Disposal

Garbage disposals are a great asset to any commercial kitchen. They make cleaning up food scraps as easy as flipping a switch, and many commercial kitchen owners can’t imagine life without them. However, many treat their garbage disposal as a garbage can and end up with clogs or damaged disposals. To help prolong the life of your commercial garbage disposal, request service with Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Corp. and make sure you never put these four items down your disposal.

Hydro Jetting Offers 3 Major Benefits to Commercial Kitchen Owners

At Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Corp., we understand that it can be a challenge for commercial kitchens to keep their grease traps and drains free of clogs. This is why we offer hydro jetting services. Our high-pressure water jets make short work of stubborn clogs and completely eliminate built-up grease and debris. For a superior clean and lasting results, request our hydro jetting services today!

What to Do If Your Main Sewer Line Becomes Clogged

A clogged sewer line is a major emergency! If you notice signs of a clogged sewer line in your commercial kitchen, contact Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Corp. immediately. We’ll work with your schedule to provide prompt emergency drain cleaning service.

4 Reasons to Leave Grease Trap Cleaning to the Experts

Maintaining a clean grease trap is a difficult, time-consuming task. Unfortunately, falling behind on this task can create chaos, foul odors, and even health hazards in the kitchen. Rather than run the risk of a clogged grease trap, contact Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Corp. in Indianapolis. We offer fast, reliable grease trap pumping and drain cleaning services so you can focus on running your kitchen effectively. Today, we discuss four benefits of hiring our experts.

How to Access and Clean Out Your Home’s Sewer Main Drain

At Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Corp., we offer a wide range of commercial and residential plumbing services, including sewer drain cleaning. In a recent post, we discussed the signs and causes of sewer line clogs. This month, we are taking that topic a step further to discuss unclogging a sewer drain and preventing future clogs.

6 Signs It’s Time to Have Your Septic Tank Professionally Cleaned

If your home’s wastewater flows into a septic system, you need to be proactive about caring for your drains and septic tank. Over time, the system can become clogged and overflow. The result is a smelly mess that can damage your home and lawn. For help with your septic system, contact Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Corp. in Indianapolis today.