Sticky Situations: What Happens When a Grease Trap Is Neglected

As an Indianapolis commercial kitchen owner, it’s essential that your kitchen runs smoothly. After all, it’s your livelihood. At Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Corp., we understand the significance of maintaining a clean and efficient kitchen. That’s why we educate people on the importance of regular grease trap cleaning. It might not be the most glamorous part of running a restaurant, but neglecting it can lead to heavy consequences. Let’s look at what can happen when you overlook maintaining your grease trap.

Keeping Things Clean: How Does a Grease Trap Work?

When it comes to maintaining a sanitary and efficient Indianapolis area commercial kitchen, understanding the ins and outs of a piece of equipment like a grease trap can make all the difference. The team at the Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Corp. aims to demystify the workings and importance of commercial grease traps and, of course, offer top-tier grease trap cleaning services.

A Basic Guide: What Is a Grease Trap?

As an Indianapolis commercial kitchen owner, chances are you know a thing or two about your kitchen’s grease trap. But have you ever wondered exactly how they work? After all, it is an important part of keeping your operations running smoothly for your customers. The plumbers at Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Corp. are here to help. Here are a few basic facts about how grease traps work in your kitchen.

Grease Trap Cleaning 101: What Is Hydro Jetting?

As an Indianapolis commercial kitchen owner, you understand the relentless struggle of dealing with clogged drains and grease traps. If you’re seeking an effective solution to stubborn blockages, you may need to hire a professional to use a hydro jet on your drains. At Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Corp., we are the trusted hydro jetting pros. So, let’s explore hydro jetting and how it could be the secret weapon against stubborn clogs in your commercial kitchen.

3 Tips for Grease Trap Preventative Maintenance

Grease traps are an essential part of a highly-productive commercial kitchen. If your grease traps are not well maintained, the unpleasant odors of rotten food particles may take over your cooking area, and possibly the eating area of your consumers. This could eventually lead to costly backups that shut down the kitchen. At Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Corp., we can help ensure your kitchen stays clean, odor-free, and full functioning. Today, we are sharing three tips for preventative grease trap maintenance to help you make the most of your time and money.

Commercial Plumbing Service Is Invaluable to Commercial Kitchen Owners

As a business owner, you know the value of delegation and teamwork. But do you have a quality commercial plumbing service on your team? By adding Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Corp. to your team, you can better focus on running your business while we take care of all of your kitchen’s plumbing needs.