Grease Trap Cleaning

A Basic Guide: What Is a Grease Trap?

As an Indianapolis commercial kitchen owner, chances are you know a thing or two about your kitchen’s grease trap. But have you ever wondered exactly how they work? After all, it is an important part of keeping your operations running smoothly for your customers. The plumbers at Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Corp. are here to help. Here are a few basic facts about how grease traps work in your kitchen.

What Is a Grease Trap?

In every commercial kitchen, a grease trap plays a crucial role. It’s a vital plumbing device that prevents fats, oils, and greases (FOG) from entering the municipality’s sewer system. While kitchens aim to minimize FOG materials washing down the drains, grease traps exist precisely for this purpose. Their duty? To trap and intercept FOG before it reaches the main sewer.

Typically shielded by a manhole cover, grease traps are strategically placed near your establishment, often within the parking lot. These traps come in various sizes, ranging from individual sink connections in smaller models to larger models for larger facilities. The choice of the right grease trap depends on your business’s scale, production rate, and available space. They are usually outdoors, although there are also compact indoor options.

How Does a Grease Trap Work?

The grease trap is a practical and necessary component of every commercial kitchen. Its role is to separate layers of waste in the plumbing system. It accomplishes this by cooling warm or hot, greasy water, allowing FOG to rise to the top while solid food debris sinks to the bottom. This clever separation occurs because FOG is less dense than cooled water. The trap, usually located outside your establishment, employs a tube to extract separated water, keeping FOG material at bay and preventing plumbing catastrophes.

There are requirements for grease traps in each municipality. A commercial kitchen without a grease trap could result in significant plumbing disruptions, causing a shutdown. Moreover, it could result in municipal fines and pose safety risks to your customers and the wider community.

How to Care For Your Trap

Just like any vital kitchen equipment, your grease trap needs proper care. Neglecting it could invite clogs, backups, and operational interruptions. To prevent these disasters, regular professional maintenance is key. Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Corp.’s expert plumbers can craft a tailored maintenance schedule for your specific kitchen’s needs. They consider factors like size, flow, and usage of your kitchen.

In short, a grease trap is an essential tool in your commercial kitchen. That’s why it’s important to trust the pros to help you keep it up and running. To schedule regular grease trap maintenance for your Indianapolis commercial kitchen, contact Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Corp. at (317) 269-0000 or request service online today.

Scott Isaacs

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